Ball de festa major a Sabadell
Dia: diumenge, 7 de setembre de 2014
Hora: 19:30h
Lloc: Plaça Marcet de Sabadell
L’associació “Amics del Country de Sabadell” us convida a la “Ballada de Festa Major de Sabadell”.
Llistat de balls:
Electric slide
If I was a single man
Just married
Less travelled
Honey do
Islands in the stream
Help me
Bad behavior
Más tequila
Shootin’ star
Gift to you
The wind drives you
God bless Texas
Lightnin’ polca
Green grass
Four wheels
Jacket Joe
Country as can be
Eating right drinking bad
Jamaican run
Km. 0
1000 years (or more)
Cotton Eyed Joe
Play it again, Sam
Go cat go
Don’t ask
Down on the corner
American dream
Country strong
Lost in me
Dance again
Clickety clack
Swinging doors
So much