II Ballada country de Talarn

Dia: dissabte, 23 d'agost de 2014
Hora: 19:00h a 22:00h
Lloc: plaça de l'església - Talarn

Llistat de balls:
1-electric slider (basic)
2-this that
3-knee deep
4-ain't given up
5-buffalo road
6-jamaica rhum (bambi cha cha)
7-my dear juliet
9-1000 years
10-no frost
11white rose
12-the final test
14-pepus garden
15-sheriff on fire
16-country as can be
17-cowgirl hussler
18-baby bubbles
19-go cat go
20-texas valley
22-simply rock
23-burning love
24-truck a truck
25-sunday driver
26-clase de ball (??????)
27-where i belong
28-two boys
29-dance again
30-rose garden
31-all shook up
32-eating right drinking bad
33-lost in me
34-magic moon
35-irish stew
37-hippie cowboy
39-hold on
40-boogie cowboy
41-speak to sky
42-cut a rug
43-help me
44-just married
45-the wind drive you
46-crazy people
48-cowboy love
49-taxi driver texas
50-dutty free
+ peticions

Més informació: pàgina de la trobada a Facebook.


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