1ª Ballada Happy Country
Dia: dissabte, 24 de maig de 2014
Hora: 13:00h - 14:30h
Lloc: Torre Llobeta - A 100 metres de l'estació de Metro Maragall (L-5)
Llistat de balls:
- Bàsic
- Go cat go
- Irish stew
- P3
- 24x24
- Sahara
- Adelaida
- Ain-t Giving-up
- Tush Push
- Baby blues
- Country as Can Be
- Cheek to Cheek
- Mr. Policeman
- Burning Love
- Cowgirl Hustle
- Cut a rug
- Eagle Texas
- Buffalo Road
- Jamaica rum
- Jacken Joe
- Friday Night
- Muntsa
- White rose
- D.H.S.S
- Skip
- Crazy People Are
- Hoochie – COOCHIE
- It happens
- Lindiy shuffle
- Open the doors
- Rose Garden
- On the Rocks
- Texas Hero
- Thanks to you
- Texas valley
- This that