Sopar i ball country a Olot

Nota enviada per: Josep Mª (Countryquipugui)

Dia: dissabte, 4 de febrer de 2012
Hora: des de les 21:30h fins a les 03:00h
Lloc: CASAL DE LES FONTS, c/ Volcà Montcal 13, OLOT

Sopar i posterior ball COUNTRY per a tothom

Preu del sopar: 13€ (nens: 8€). Ball gratis, a partir de les 23:30h aproximadament.
Hi haurà servei de bar.
Cal avisar amb antelació en cas de venir a sopar (telèfon 686710091)

Llistat de balls:

101 one "o" one
2 hell and back
Alamo boom
All shook up
Askin’ questions
Baby blues
Baby Likes To Rock It (choo-cho train)
Back to the lone star
Badda-boom! Badda-bang!
Boot’s scootin’ boogie III (4 parets)
Bosa nova
Bread and butter
Bridges to your heart
Burning love
California blue
Celtic c.t.
Chill factor
Chirpy Charleston
Come Dance with Me
Conrado Cha Cha
Country as can be
Cowboy boogie
Cowboy charleston
Cumbia semana
Cut a rug
Dancing in the dark
Easy come, Easy go
Eatin’ Right, drinkin’ bad
Electric slide
Flying eight
Go go Stomp
God Blessed Texas
Hold Me Tight (tequila)
Hoochie coochie
Irish stew
Islands in the stream
Jailhouse creole
Jamaica run
Just a memory
La chico
Leaving Of Liverpool
Lightning Polka
Lindi shuffle
Little Chihuahua
Little rhumba
Live, laugh, love
Lousiana Swing
Mamma maria
My Maria
Newcomer cha
No quitter
Not fair
Now or never
On the Rocks
Picnic polka, the
Pitter Patter
Pot of gold
Quijote cowboy
Red hot salsa
Ribbon of higway
Riders in the sky
Rock Around the Clock
Rockabilly rebel
Rose garden
San lucas
Slappin’ Leather
Something in the water
Stitch it up
Stop crying
Stroll along cha-cha
Sugar and pai
Sunday driver
Tango with de sheriff
Tell me ma
The country queen
The cucaracha
The funky matador
This and that
This is Amy
Topsy turvy
Tush Push
Two by Two
Walk of life
White rose

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