Ballada country a Les Roquetes
Dia: dissabte, 28 de gener de 2012
Hora: des de les 22:30h fins a la 01:00h
Lloc: Centre cívic l’Espai de Les Roquetes. (Carrer Gaudí, 5 - Veure mapa)
Preu soci Amics del Country VNG: 2€; no soci: 3€
Llistat de balls:
1. hotel california
2. rock around the clock
3. this & that
4. black velvet
5. all shook up
6. Rhumba&roses
7. Come and dance with me
8. Country as can be
9. for Neige
10. cotton eyed joe
11. Sugar&pie
12. ain’t got time
13. Catalan up
14. Electric slide
15. quickly
16. Cowboy charleston
17. green grass
18. cowboy by night
19. california boy
20. 3 walls
21. chew chew spit
22. you better run
23. lindi shuffle
24. two by two
25. Sunday driver
26. geelong
27. wicked man
28. forever little
29. Dhss
30. Where I belong
31. San Lucas
32. Truck a truck
33. Cowgirl twist
34. Jack's cowboy
35. Under the sun
36. Adelida
37. quijote cowboy
38. something in the water
39. baby blues
40. Isle of paradise
41. come to me
42. Crazy postman
43. rythm of the road
44. don’t ask
45. rodeo
46. Stich it up
47. it happens
48. past eleven
49. spatec
50. motel time
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