Ballada a Bescanó
Nota enviada per: Bescanó Balla
Dia: diumenge, 27 de novembre de 2011
Hora: a partir de les 18:30h
Lloc: Local Polivalent - C/ del Comte Arnau, Bescanó
Llistat de balls:
Hoocked on country
Cowboy charleston
Tennessee waltz surprise
Magic moon
Cut a rug
Lindy shuffle
This & that
Celtic C. T.
Simply mambo
California blue
Three walls
Mamma Maria
Clickety clack
Cheek to cheek
South of Santa Fe
Jamaican run
Go go stomp
For neige
Speak to the sky
Live, laugh, love
Eatin’ right & drinkin’ bad
Until the end
Bobbi with an I
Midnight sky
Irish stew
Don’t ask
Lighting polka
Where I belong
Caught in the act
Texas hero
The gambler
Truck a truck
Askin’ questions
Cumbia semana
No Klaws
The flute
Blue night cha
Life is a highway
Quarter after one
San Francisco
Something in the water
Rockabilly rebel
The Billy can
Quijote cowboy
Islands in the stream
Isle of paradise
Chill factor
Country must (ard)
Alamo boom
Not fair
Whole again
Knee deep
Baby blues
Now or never
Louisiana swing
Sunday driver
S. B. S.
Rhymes or reason / It happens
Seminole wind
I peticions!
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