Marató 101 balls al Luckenbach

Marató 101 balls al Luckenbach
Nota enviada per: Luckenbach Honkytonk

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El proper dissabte 16 de febrer tindrà lloc al Luckenbach Honkytonk de Cerdanyola del Vallès la seva particular marató. Ni més ni menys que 101 balls, per a tots els gustos!

Llistat dels balls de la marató:
1 Ain't Givin' Up
2 Bandera
3 Easy Going
4 Temps d'Estimar
5 T-Bone Shuffle
6 Rock Around the Clock
7 Pretty One
8 Only You
9 Krash
10 Overnight Heartache
11 Twister Rock (P)
12 J. Walk
13 Ribbons of the Night
14 Carrie Brown
15 Vigbarn
16 Rumba Ride
17 Drivin' Texas
18 Wheels
19 Data Box
20 Special nº 3
21 Sweet (P)
22 Clickety Clack
23 Really Love
24 Watermelon Crawl
25 Tumbleweed
26 After Midnight
27 Tram
28 Jacks Cowboy
29 Cowgirl Twist
30 Smile Again
31 Nothing to lose (P)
32 Kill the Spiders
33 Swinging Doors
34 Twister Kick
35 Loving You
36 C.C.S.
37 Lost
38 Sugar Talk
39 Enjoy It
40 A Correcuita (P)
41 Keep on Cracking
42 Western Boogie
43 Hold me Tight
44 Sidewalk
45 Just You & Me
46 Kids Show
47 Walking the Line
48 Don't be Wrong
49 Islands in the Stream
50 Queen of Hearts
51 Rock'n'Roll Bride
52 Back Track
53 O'Clock
54 24 by 24
55 T.N. Rock
56 Lightning polka
57 Burning Boots
58 Down on the Corner
59 The Queen of W. Swing
60 Danbiel
61 Tales (P)
62 Aina
63 Wicked Man
64 Cowboy by Night
65 Home improvin'
66 32 Miles
67 Take a Breather
68 Eighty Eight
69 The Lucky One
70 Chill Factor
71 South Direction (P)
72 Grand Casino
73 We're Out
74 My First Dance
75 I Might
76 Urban Cowboy
77 Thanks a Lot
78 Travelling to Memphis
79 Fort Port Swing
80 Picnic Polka
81 On the Rocks
82 Train Flies
83 Stich it Up
84 Take it Easy
85 Devil Rock
86 Cotton Time
87 Country Song
88 Four Senses
89 Sunset
90 Burning Love
91 Texas Blood
92 Lizard
93 Two Days
94 All Week Long
95 Rhythm of the Road
96 Four Buckles
97 Two by Two
98 Jackie Don
99 Rodeo
100 Four Wheels
101 Eagle Texas


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