Marató a Barcelona
Dia: dissabte, 10 d'octubre de 2015
Hora: 23:00h - 02:00h
Lloc: Déu Quin Frankfurt - Plaça Can Rosés - Barcelona
Llistat de balls:
1 Long pride
2 No frost
3 I'can help
4 Wham bam
5 Tag on
6 What's the matter
7 16 bars
8 Queen of heart
9 P3
10 Just married
11 Good start
12 Pizza and beer
13 JR
14 Ay ay ay
15 Two boys
16 Canadian boots
17 Special number 3
18 American dreams
19 Telepathy
20 Friday's friends
21 Go cat go
22 Country strong
23 Margarita cha
24 The boat to liverpool
25 Stop & cafe
26 Heartbreak
27 Rithm of the road
28 Four wheels
29 A woman’s love
30 South direction
31 Whiskey’s gone
32 Renegade
33 Never ever waltz
34 From here
35 Mestei
36 Last cowboy
37 Alexandra’s place
38 Rose Garden
39 Fire and Lace
40 Recall
Més informació: pàgina de la trobada a Facebook.